Public Events 

Artist in Residence: Calle Fuhr

The Rise and Fall of Mr. René Benko – A production by the Volkstheater Wien in cooperation with DOSSIER; At the SQUARE in cooperation with the Palace St. Gallen.
Marcel Urlaub - Volkstheater

Tue. 15.04.2025


18:00 - 21:00


Calle Fuhr


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10 / 15 CHF


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By and with Calle Fuhr

"Did you read the coverage on the Signa bankruptcy? Or is the real estate chaos too complicated for you? Save yourself the trouble and instead go to The Rise and Fall of Mr. René Benko." – (Falter)

René Benko has been dominating the headlines of the business sections for over a year.

The bankruptcy of his Signa group is one of the biggest corporate failures of recent years. In Germany, Austria, and Italy, major construction projects are at risk of becoming derelict building sites. The bankruptcy of the Globus department stores in Switzerland was narrowly averted. Many have lost millions because of Benko. State investments have evaporated into thin air.

But how did the Benko system work? How did a school dropout from Innsbruck manage to become Austria’s poster-child entrepreneur and deceive everyone? These are the questions author and director Calle Fuhr tackles in his acclaimed performance. Together with the investigative platform DOSSIER, he spent months researching for this.

At the SQUARE, this theater evening, which blends stand-up and lecture performance, will be shown for the first time in Switzerland.


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