Case Study 4: Sustainability & "Know Your Client" (KYC)

Problem Statement:

Today, banks (i.e.the Client Advisors) perform regular "Know Your Client" (KYC) checks to ensure it has correctand up-to-date information about the client relationship. As sustainability (in addition to financials) becomes an integral part of companies' business strategies and performance, how could a bank structure a KYC approach for its corporate clients that includes sustainability parameters, leveraging online sources/ tools where applicable? 



Target Audience:

Client Advisors (CAs) who advise Corporate Clients (multinationals as well as SMEs). Efficient and time-saving solutions are important to CAs to allow them to spend more time with clients.

UBS Mentor

UBS Mentor

Tanya Furrer-Turcic
Sustainable Finance Initiative Lead (UBS)

HSG Mentor

HSG Mentor

Besart Kajdomqaj
Coach & PhD Candidate - Startup@HSG
