Personality in Residence:
Prof. em. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schürer

28th to 29th of April, 2025

Wolfgang Schürer's  life took a decisive turn at HSG. Here, he developed his normative compass and acquired the tools for both his professional and voluntary career. The dialogue with academic teachers and mentors had a profound impact on him. They took him seriously as a young student—at least when his views were based on solid arguments.

For Wolfgang Schürer, it became clear that intergenerational dialogue is not a one-way street. Rather, in a time of confrontation—during the years following 1968—a laboratory for listening to one another and engaging in discussions was established: the St. Gallen Symposium. He, too, did not accept authority as a given but challenged it—though always in a constructive manner that fostered mutual understanding. Dialogue, for him, had an impact far beyond the subject at hand—it enabled and required a change of perspective. It was a process of learning: from and with one another. Together, participants embarked on a journey and returned enriched. As both a mentee and a mentor, Wolfgang Schürer personally benefited from these exchanges, gaining insights he could later draw upon. Moreover, this dialogue kept him grounded in reality whenever he strayed too far.

The question of whether dialogue and the search for consensus are culturally embedded continues to occupy Wolfgang Schürer to this day. He is particularly struck by Switzerland’s liberal institutions, which are designed to facilitate societal consensus, as well as Norway’s tradition of international peace diplomacy. He wonders whether these traditions and institutions can be conveyed to others and under what conditions they can function effectively.

At SQUARE, he is fascinated by the opportunity to experiment with new forms of dialogue and collective learning—a place that fosters encounters, broadens perspectives, and brings together thought and practice leadership.

Wolfgang Schürer invites students to embark on a journey with him—initially an intellectual one that integrates various perspectives and positions. What does it mean today to take responsibility in business, politics, or civil society? How can entrepreneurship bridge the different economic, political, and ethical logics? How can civic engagement create impact in today’s world?

He looks forward to discussing these fundamental questions with participants and guests and exploring answers together in workshops. He warmly welcomes all to join.

Personality in Residence

Personality in Residence: Wolfgang Schürer

Wolfgang Schürer invites you to join him on an intellectual journey that aims to bring together different perspectives and positions. What does it mean today to take responsibility in business, politics, or civil society? How can entrepreneurship connect the various economic, political, and ethical logics? How can civil engagement have an impact today?
Prof. Wolfgang Schürer