Personalities in Residence
Mo. 09.09.2024 |
14:45 - 16:15 Uhr |
Sarah Springman |
Tellstrasse 2, Ehrensenatorenlounge |
Free |
During this event, we discuss the delights and challenges of supervising doctoral students. What are your responsibilities as a supervisor of PhD students? What can you expect from doctoral students and what do you need to be ready to give? What makes supervision mutually beneficial? And what can you do when the relationship gets difficult? Bring your own questions for Prof. Springman and join us for a conversation, coffee and cookies.
Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Full Professors, Senior Lecturers as well as everybody interested in this topic at HSG is welcome to join us for this event. The event is a kick-off event of a series of five sessions dedicated to issues of doctoral supervision at HSG. We are looking forward to your registration.
Language: English and German
Target group: HSG Faculty members, Public event